04 August, 2011

VoIP on Facebook using Skype apps

Skype, one of the world's largest VoIP providers, becomes PSTN calls a social-networking Web site Facebook, as part of the extension function calling their newly released video sites participate. This partnership executives confirmed Skype last Wednesday. However, it is a good question to note if Skype Facebook users can use their credits, payment for the services is required. Facebook had posted especially the Google groups, a renovation to its function, on Wednesday. They premiered their video chat feature on the same day. This new video chat feature is on their account holder is outsourced from 750 million in the coming days.

Philip Su, a Facebook engineer, who works with the video call development team, says that users frequently with each other sending messages occasionally could get quick messages to check new videoanrufeigenschaft. He added that these functions will have new developments, such as its next version of Facebook and Skype are made. Integration is not defined and complete however, Skype ' global business development informed direct or Scott Miller PCMag.com, the Skype a calling function, to phones, something that with their Google mail service at the end of last year presented Goolge PSTN add. According to Miller, the integration of Skype to the mobile apps is found in Facebook a very high priority. There is on even when this is done not set a date. Today use VoIP technologies most people make calls. This technology is by far cheaper than regular calls, has more features and less restrictions.

Currently the Skype and Facebook is pretty simple, integration if compared to properties, the Skype PC client has. The new video call service in Facebook user can click a small video icon found within the Facebook chat window. A Skype application must be already enabled for user to use the video chat. If you have a Skype app, they can in as short as 30 seconds video chat can work for download. Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Executive of Facebook, says that this device is connected to video the easiest way in getting last Wednesday. The whole point of the placement of the video chat in this way is simply to make it. It is the main goal for the combination of Facebook and Skype. Mobile applications, which calls from PC to phone to Facebook-phone applications, as well as developed. Researches on also Smartphone to phone VoIP technology. The VoIP technology even on Skype 5.3 version featured video calls can from iPhone to Android phones can be reached.

Today use VoIP technologies most people make calls. This technology is by far cheaper than regular calls, has more features and less restrictions.


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