02 August, 2011

Uses of a VoIP proxy server

There are many ways to set up a VoIP system. One of the advantages of VoIP is the flexibility that enables companies that can configure it to suit their needs. Such an architecture is the proxy server the widespread use has and is becoming more and more distributed above all with the SIP protocol that is becoming increasingly popular. But it is by no means the only way. Skype uses a distributed and decentralized solution, famous for its proprietary protocol. In this article we look at some advantages of using a VoIP proxy server and why it makes sense to choose one.

Impact on the security of VoIP are still be discovered. Although most professional companies best practices in their enterprises that implement VoIP is still a new technology and some time before we understand the various backdoors, and exploits it. Unfortunately VoIP communication system is intended to speak to people outside your network, and this can be dangerous. A proxy server located between you and the person at the other end of the call. This means that any attack has first to penetrate this line of Defense. If you are using a hosted PBX VoIP system, you can be sure that the ITSP is enabled advanced security on the server, because that is their specialty. The end result is that your own systems against attacks are protected and the proxy acts as a firewall for your organization.

A proxy server enhances also the ease with which you can use VoIP service your business, must calls no matter where in the world you are. Access to the proxy is via a username and a password and authenticated users can any Internet connection to use calls through any Internet enabled device including mobile phones.

Administrators can monitor easily suspicious activity in one place by checking the log files of the server. You can force that techniques such as periodic password change, harden the system to attack and to ensure its integrity. The proxy-server system, you can use your own applications instead of only those that also offers your ITSP. As long as an application with the proxy server by using a well defined standard protocols to communicate, it should choose easily with your own software connection be.

This beautifully binds the choice with the philosophy of the VoIP in particular stressed. A proxy server is the perfect complement to such a system, and keeps user also protected.

A consultant on SIP PBX servers Bhagwad is hosted. He specializes also on mobile VoIP server.


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